
在一个联系日益紧密、相互依存日益加深的世界里, 会说第二或第三种语言是一个真正的优势. It opens doors to different cultures and worldviews and gives way to wider job possibilities. 
学习第二语言, 尤其是年轻的时候, 有特殊和持久的好处-包括 增强认知能力, 更大的同情, heightened cultural competence and a wider perspective of one’s place in a community.  The World Languages program at Head-Royce学校 is an example of living our values.
The K-12 language continuum fosters intellectual openness and develops academic discipline. What sets us apart from most schools is not that we offer three different world languages for our youngest students, 而是4001百老汇会员登录要求学生在K-12的整个学习过程中掌握语言. 
It turns out that Maria Montessori’s adage, ‘children’s brains are like sponges,’ is true. Studies using magnetic resonance imaging and neuroanatomical mapping show how, 在年轻的时候, 大脑的发育速度比生命中任何时候都要快. This neuroplasticity makes childhood an ideal time to learn a second language. 并且“更快地获得母语水平康奈尔大学说. 

Edutopia解释说 孩子们经历了大脑发育的“关键时期”, evidenced by rapid neural formation where the number of synapses–the connections between brain cells–doubles. 根据 Edutopia引用的研究在美国,两岁儿童的突触数量是成年人的两倍. 正是由于这个原因,在“关键时期”,’ the brain is actually able to learn faster and have a more lasting effect than at other times of life.

在Head-Royce, learning a language begins in Kindergarten with a twelve-week rotation of introductory courses in Mandarin Chinese, 法语和西班牙语. 从一年级开始, 在每个年级的每个部门-较低, Middle and 上学校 – language is an integral component of the curriculum. 

幼儿在无意识的状态下学习, 不像大龄学生那样拘谨的. 采用适合发展的教学方法 tools including Total Physical Response (TPR)–a kinesthetic-based method of language learning involving movement, 唱歌, 跳舞, acting and other sorts of interactivity—Head-Royce utilizes our youngest students' need to wiggle, 触摸和歌唱通过一种身临其境, 整个身体, 语言学习的经验. 

Ayden一. 我从一年级开始学普通话. 骄傲的笑容, 他最近在旧金山唐人街实地考察时分享了这一点, he ordered lunch in Mandarin and anticipates studying it throughout his education at Head-Royce. He is learning Mandarin because he plans to travel when he is older and wants to be able to speak with members of the local community. Kylie C. 我观察到学习普通话会, “help me when I get older because I will be able to talk to my relatives and speak to people 当我旅行时,”她说. 两位学生都表示,他们很喜欢在海德罗伊斯的语言课程, 尤其是那些用来支持学习的游戏. “Playing games to learn is a strategy a lot of kids would like because you have fun while you’re learning!艾登自信地说. 


4001百老汇会员登录, 合作项目, 实地考察和其他形式的体验式学习有助于形成, 语言学习的目的和意义, 也提供了青少年的思想和 有机会在教育工作者的指导下做出负责任的选择. In addition to Mandarin, 法语和西班牙语, Latin is also offered starting in 6th grade. 

和六年级的学生一起去意大利学习旅行, 七年级和八年级的学生, 教员, Gretchen Wu shared that students were thrilled when visiting the Coliseum because they were able to read primary source material including 2,有几千年历史的牌匾和用拉丁文刻在石头上的通道. Reading these materials gave the students incredible insight into the ancient structure, as the descriptions helped them imagine the smells once wafting through the Coliseum and the feel of wool on skin in the hot sun. “这些特殊的时刻对学生的生活至关重要 定义,甚至是塑造生活. 这就是体验式学习如此重要的原因,”格雷琴反思道.

“I don’t think my 8th-grade self would have ever guessed where French would lead me. 一种语言导致了对多种语言的热爱, 文学与文化, 这为4001百老汇会员登录开启了新的友谊之门, 机会和前景. Federico Fellini once said, ‘A different language is a different vision of life.“我认为他是对的,96年的校友安德烈·托马斯(Andrea Thomas)分享道, 现为洛约拉大学法语系副教授.

4001百老汇会员登录很高兴为qu忧郁提供另一个学习旅行项目, 这个即将到来的春假通过4001百老汇会员登录参与中心. French learners in 4th–6th grades will participate in an immersive language program and make lasting friendships and memories.


Beyond the requirements for California state graduation (one year) and UC Admission (two years), Head-Royce necessitates 上学校 students take three years of a world language, 很多学生, 世界语言系主任克里斯蒂娜·马森说, 四年内选修一门语言. 有些人甚至选修两门语言. 

天蓝色的年代. 24正在学习法语和西班牙语. “学习法语意味着我可以和家人交谈,和他们更亲近. 在Head-Royce, I have also been able to learn about French culture and get a better perspective on life in France. I think that Spanish is a really useful language especially in California where so many people are Spanish speakers,塞莱斯特分享道.

在高中的语言课上, 学生追求高级课程, 研讨会, 文学与电影, 加深他们对文化的理解和熟练程度. 激发学生的好奇心,教师鼓励探究点燃能动性. 而不是提出问题或给出答案, the teacher might ask students to focus deeply on a project and then provide gentle guidance to help keep a project moving forward. 这鼓励了学生对这门学科的兴趣,从而激发了他们的发现, 在学习过程中引导自己. Dr. Lisowski, 初中和高中的拉丁语老师解释道, “Studies show that students learn much more thoroughly when students themselves are the ones posing the questions and seeking out the answers.”

据博士说. Lisowski, one of the projects in the 上学校 Latin curriculum that students look back on with pride, 是作者对一个35行神话故事的强烈关注吗, 奥维德. 一般发生在10年级和11年级, students are asked to choose an excerpt and then build an interactive website to share their understanding of the text. These sorts of multi-dimensional challenges involve complex problem solving and align with our Strategic Plan goal of developing competency-focused curriculum. 

当学习是经验性的,它会产生更大的影响. 普通话的老师, 凯西·杨, described two 上学校 language projects—dumpling and moon cake making to celebrate the Lunar New Year—as being two student favorites, 比任何课本上的课程都更令人难忘,”她说。. 


多样性是海德罗伊斯学院的三大核心价值观之一, 世界语言课程超越了语法. 它在课程中加入时间来探索不同的信仰, 文化习俗, 遗产与传统. And it ensures we invest in a diverse team of faculty from all over the world to inculcate authentic learning opportunities. 影响是巨大的. 

“Studying languages allows people with entirely different worldviews—from different countries and cultures—to connect, 它拓宽了一个人的世界观, which can help them break down prejudices and debunk preconceived notions they may have about a region of the world or a group of people. I believe that the study of foreign languages—and their accompanying cultures—leads to a more enriching and fulfilling life,聪明的梅弗·w·s说. ’24.